First off, let me apologize for taking so long to create a new post, I had so many different projects that I am working on finishing, and all of them had to have a few finishing touches put to them. Anyway, this is a really cute project that any sewer will love. I found this project on the
DIY Dish. The DIY Dish has a lot of cute ideas which I will hopefully be trying and showing you also how to do some of the cute crafts that I have seen. Anyway, our project today is super simple and easy. Here are the things that you will need for this:
- 4 sheets of felt (any color you like)
- Hot Glue Gun
- Ruler
- Embellishments
- Magnets
As you can see from this short list of all of the things that you need that this craft is very simple and does not take very much time. It is also the perfect gift for any sewer out there. What you do first is you get your felt sheets and I had four different colors, you don't have to have that many, but I suggest that you have at least two different colors for this particular project. Once you have them you measure eight strips of 2 1/2 inches by 12 inches. You also need to measure out four strips of 1 /12 inches by 12 inches. You may need the ruler to also make sure that when you cut them out you cut them out straight, they don't have to be absolutely perfect, but we don't want any super crooked lines.
Now we are going to start to make the bottom part of our pin cushion, what you do first is you take two of your bigger strips of felt, put one on top of the other and you start rolling. When you come to the end of those two strips you simply put down another one of the felt strips and continue rolling. Make sure that the last piece of felt you roll is the color that you want on the outside of your pin cushion. Now you just repeat what you just did with your four smaller strips of felt.
We are not finished yet. You can also decorate these 'cakes' with just about anything: rick-rack, beads, flowers, ribbons, buttons, pom-pom trim, just about anything that you can think of. What I did though is I took the outermost layer of felt on both after they had been glued on with hot glue (you just take the edge that is left and put a line of hot glue across and press down) I decided that I was going to decorate mine with pins. Here is what my pin cushion looked like.
Now there is one last thing that you can do with your pin cushion. You know how when you are sewing and you reach to stick the pin into the cushion and it slides away, and then you can't reach it. That has happened to me about a million times but, we have found a solution for that problem, this is where the magnets come in. We are going to glue magnets onto the bottom of each layer of the pin cushion. This will make it so that you can stick this pin cushion on to your sewing machine! Very handy and cute.

what you do is you get your glue gun and you just glue it to the bottom of both layers and on the top of the biggest layer if you want both of them to stick together. You may want to push them in if you got the magnets that I did, so they don't show when the whole thing is through. There you have it, a cute fun cake pin cushion. I will try on my next post to show you the pins that you can make to go with you cute 'cake' creation. Now remember that you can also find another tutorial for this project just by clicking the link
Pin Cushion Tutorial. Have fun sewing!